• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024


Everything About Telecom

Moldcell Opens LTE Network for Tests


Nov 14, 2012 , , , ,

Moldova’s mobile service provider, Moldcell has launched a 4G testing area at Moldcell cafe, located in capital, within a few days after obtaining its 4G license. Operator is inviting all those interested to test the LTE functionality using different terminals.

Moldova’s mobile service provider, Moldcell has launched a 4G testing area at Moldcell cafe, located in capital, within a few days after obtaining its 4G license. Operator is inviting all those interested to test the LTE functionality using different terminals.

The construction and configuration of operator’s LTE network started about one year ago. Moldcell 4G network operates on 2600 MHz frequency .

Moldcell had demonstrated online the LTE functionality in May 2011 and a month later put the 4G technology into practice showing the first online TV report in HD format. Swedish – Finnish telecommunication group, TeliaSonera is  major shareholder of Moldcell.

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