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3GPP Reaffirms LTE-Advanced Name


Apr 8, 2013 , , ,

3GPP has defined the standards for LTE, with the latest work focusing on LTE-Advanced, which includes all work from 3GPP Release 10 onwards. 3GPP’s Project Coordination Group (PCG) approved it during their meeting on April 3rd, 2013.

3GPP has defined the standards for LTE, with the latest work focusing on LTE-Advanced, which includes all work from 3GPP Release 10 onwards. 3GPP’s Project Coordination Group (PCG) approved it during their meeting on April 3rd, 2013.

3GPP recognized that in the marketplace a number of differing terms related to LTE are appearing. 3GPP further reaffirmed the naming for the technology family and its evolution continues to be covered by the term LTE-Advanced, which remains the correct description for specifications currently being defined – from Release 10 onwards, including 3GPP Release 12.

The Partnership Project is working with its members and in coordination with the ITU Working Party 5D to be able to provide future guidance on how 3GPP LTE will progress in future Releases.

The recent meeting was the 30th PCG and was hosted by Ericsson in Kista, Sweden.

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