• Tue. Mar 25th, 2025


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Moldova’s Regulator Issues 4G Licenses to Moldcell and Orange Moldova

Moldova ‘s National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information technology (ANRCETI) has issued two licenses for the use of radio 2500-2690 MHz frequencies/channels to Moldcell and Orange Moldova for IMT-2000/UMTS (WCDMA) and/or LTE and/or IMT-Advanced technologies.

Moldova ‘s National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information technology (ANRCETI) has issued two licenses for the use of radio 2500-2690 MHz frequencies/channels to Moldcell and Orange Moldova for IMT-2000/UMTS (WCDMA) and/or LTE and/or IMT-Advanced technologies.

The first license was handed in on November 8, to Moldcell, the second license on November 9, to Orange Moldova by ANRCETI. The two companies were granted the licenses after they transferred to the state budget the 10 million euro license fee. Moldova Government has earlier recommended that ANRCETI issue licenses for the use of three radio frequencies sub-bands of 2×20 MHz from 2500-2690 MHz frequency band through direct allocation to the providers, who already have networks in place, by the end of 2012.

According to the license conditions, both companies are bound to ensure the provision of the minimum set of 4G services and launch these services no later than one year after the license is issued. These companies are also required to ensure, through their own 4G networks, by December 31, 2015, at least 25% of populated areas of Moldova with 4G services.

At the end of September, 2012, ANRCETI has asked mobile telephony companies Orange Moldova, Moldcell and Moldtelecom to submit applications for 4G licenses. If the three sub-bands of radio frequencies mentioned above are not applied for by 31.12.2012 or additional radio frequencies/channels are requested from the 2500-2690 MHz frequency bands, those will be assigned by ANRCETI under a contest.

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