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TeliaSonera: 4G drives online habits


Apr 30, 2010 , , , ,

April 30, 2010 – Every other 4G user has changed his or her mobile surfing habits simply as a result of gaining access to quicker mobile broadband.

April 30, 2010 – Every other 4G user has changed his or her mobile surfing habits simply as a result of gaining access to quicker mobile broadband. This is one of the findings in TeliaSonera’s survey among 4G users in the world’s first commercial 4G network.

TeliaSonera conducted a survey among its 4G customers, on their first 100 days of using the first 4G offer in the world. As might be expected, the results of the survey show that the people who jumped on the 4G bandwagon first are those who are already interested in technology. Over 90 percent upgraded from an already existing 3G subscription and 43 percent had an iPhone. The majority of the people in the survey, 65 percent, acquired 4G to complement their fixed broadband. And 54 percent would not consider returning to 3G at present.

“The results correspond well to the results of TeliaSonera’s Trend Report, which showed that quick mobile Internet connection is one of the functions that have grown most in importance for Swedes. Swedish appetite for increased broadband is basically insatiable, which is also visible in the steadily increasing data traffic in the mobile networks,” says Erik Hallberg, Head of Mobility Services at TeliaSonera Sweden.

New surfing habits
No hesitation among 4G customers in taking advantage of better opportunities. Every other 4G user has changed his or her mobile surfing habits simply as a result of gaining access to quicker mobile broadband.
• 26 percent say they are working more on a mobile basis.
• 23 percent say they are downloading larger files to a greater extent than previously.
• 19 percent say they watch online TV/stream movies.
• 16 percent say they began surfing more after acquiring 4G.

From Luleå in the north to Lund in the south in 2010
TeliaSonera was the first in the world with its 4G launch in Stockholm at the end of last year. A total of 25 locations in Sweden will have 4G coverage by the end of the year. Broadband speed is 10 times faster with 4G mobile broadband than with 3G. Real-time services such as TV, movies, online games, web conferencing and working with heavy files and applications demand more capacity, and 4G enables these services no matter where the user is located.

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