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Epitiro tests TeliaSonera’s LTE network


Apr 12, 2011 , , , ,

Fixed and mobile broadband analysis specialist, Epitiro has completed an independent speed, latency and voice quality-of-experience analysis of TeliaSonera Finland’s 4G

Fixed and mobile broadband analysis specialist, Epitiro has completed an independent speed, latency and voice quality-of-experience analysis of TeliaSonera Finland’s 4G LTE network. Tests recorded peak broadband download speeds of 48Mbps (36.1Mbps mean) where as Mean latency was just 23ms.

Epitiro simultaneously tested TeliaSonera’s legacy 3G network as well. LTE delivered mean download speeds nine times faster (3G=4.1Mbps) and its latency was five times faster (3G=117ms).

Analysis of IP calls to the UK, made using voice over LTE (VoLTE), found the quality to be ‘excellent’ on average with only 1 call in 298 being of inferior quality.

Epitiro carried out the research over a five-day period in March 2011, collecting 20,000 LTE data points. Finnish mobile telecoms consultancy Genre Mobile Ltd assisted in the project with installation of measurement probes and in-country project management.

“Based on our observations, this LTE rollout is directly comparable to high-speed fixed line services. Further, the low latency times measured indicate the Finnish LTE service is capable of handling the most demanding of web-based applications including VoIP, video streaming and even HD IPTV,” said Jon Curley, CTO, Epitiro.

See report for more details.

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