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Tatara Systems’ Architecture Ratified by the 3GPP2 Standards Body for cdma2000 1x Femtocell Network Standard

March 20, 2010 – Tatara Systems, the leader in SIP-based network integration of femtocells, today announced the adoption of their SIP-based convergence architecture by the 3GPP2 standards body as t

March 20, 2010 – Tatara Systems, the leader in SIP-based network integration of femtocells, today announced the adoption of their SIP-based convergence architecture by the 3GPP2 standards body as the cdma2000 1x Femtocell Network standard. The 3GPP2 standard details the interworking between a SIP-enabled Femtocell Access Point, the Femtocell Convergence Server, and an operator’s existing MAP and IMS core networks. From the beginning, Tatara has closely collaborated with key industry partners in building an ecosystem on the Tatara Convergence Server’s IP-based architecture to ensure interoperability and seamless end-to-end deployment.

As noted by most industry analysts, IP-based femtocell deployment is the only method that offloads the legacy mobile core infrastructure, thereby providing the capacity needed for 3G service delivery and enabling operators to recognize substantial cost savings through OPEX and CAPEX optimization. Tatara’s femtocell convergence solution enables the interconnection of femtocells and other advanced technology IP-based radio network elements with the legacy macro wireless network, providing the full mobile voice, messaging and data experience in an IP environment supporting both Pre-IMS and IMS networks.

Tatara Systems broke new ground in the femtocell market as the first vendor to deliver a SIP-based solution for femtocell network integration. Tatara’s early leadership was recognized with the first industry award to be bestowed upon a product within the femtocell space, as the Tatara Convergence Server was awarded the CTIA 2007 Emerging Technology (E-Tech) Award, an awards program judged on innovation, functionality, and technological importance by a panel of industry experts.

“This announcement represents culmination of the first major phase of 3GPP2’s extensive standardization project for femtocell devices – work that has been heavily supported by CDMA2000 system operators, many of whom have already announced commercial femtocell deployments or plans for commercial offerings in the near future,” said Cheryl Blum, 3GPP2 Steering Committee Chair. “The advanced SIP/IMS-based architecture and inclusion of industry-first femtozone service capabilities represent the commitment of the CDMA2000 vendors and system operators to delivering advanced interoperable femtocell solutions.”1

“With the migration to VoIP and IMS networks, emerging 4G access technologies, and the introduction of femtocells, we understood the challenges of bridging IP communications with the legacy mobile network” stated E.Y. Snowden, president and CEO of Tatara Systems. “We chose to develop a standards-based, carrier class solution to ensure a seamless and successful deployment for operators looking to fully leverage the cost effectiveness and capacity gains offered by femtocell technology. We are happy to see the industry adopting our architecture as the standard within the CDMA market, with large-scale femtocell implementations underway.”

Tatara Systems will be demonstrating consumer and enterprise FemtoZone services with several ecosystem partners in the Tatara booth #3066 during the International CTIA WIRELESS 2010® event from March 23-25, 2010 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. With the enterprise femtocell market recognized as a high value but largely untapped opportunity, Tatara will showcase a host of enterprise-focused features and services for both CDMA and UMTS technologies.

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