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Global WiMAX Business Development Forum – development of the WiMAX industry worldwide has taken off

The development of the WiMAX industry worldwide has taken off, according to Global WiMAX Business Development Forum.

The development of the WiMAX industry worldwide has taken off, according to Global WiMAX Business Development Forum. The 2010 Global WiMAX Business Development Forum, which was held on May 12-13 in Hawaii, focused on the theme of “building an open, harmonious, developmental industry environment”. The two-day Forum was attended by more than 100 representatives from 40 operators and vendors from the United States, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mexico.

Huawei along with WiMAX industry partners Clearwire, Intel and the WiMAX Forum, outlined an agenda that explored opportunities for the future of WiMAX at the 2010 Global WiMAX Business Development Forum held in Hawaii. 

Participants believe the future of WiMAX is tied to its increasing capacity to offer across-the-board interoperability that helps lower costs, broaden bandwidth and enable highly flexible deployment. WiMAX’ s ability to deliver high quality data speeds, fast transmission and abundant services is largely enabled by the adoption of advanced, future-oriented technologies, such as 4T4R (4 transmitters and 4 receivers), MIMO (multi-input multi-output), and Beamforming, which are now commercially available by Huawei. 

To reach the next level for the WiMAX industry, Mr. Tang Xinhong, president of WiMAX, Huawei, called for increased collaboration across the industry. He stated: “If the challenges of WiMAX development, such as standardization, technology, industry maturity, commercialization, and spectrum, can be addressed one by one, undoubtedly the development of WiMAX will be accelerated. Only in collaboration with our partners, can we prompt the evolution of WiMAX.” 

At the Forum, Clearwire outlined the strength of its current WiMAX capabilities. Clearwire is the world’ s largest WiMAX operator, with its commercial network covering approximately 41 million people today in the United States. Clearwire’ s 4G networks in Hawaii and Seattle – which Huawei provided, deployed and services – are the world’ s first to adopt 4T4R MIMO technology, and can be upgraded to Beamforming through software upgrades. Huawei’s multi-carrier technology and fourth-generation base station platform enable Clearwire to significantly reduce expansion costs in the future. 

“Huawei is a global leader in wireless technology, so having it as one of the primary members of the WiMAX 2 Collaborative Initiative is a clear signal that the continued evolution of 4G broadband wireless technology is on track,” said Pouya Taaghol, CTO, Mobile Wireless Group, Intel. “Intel commends Huawei’ s leadership towards building an open and harmonious industry environment for the deployment of WiMAX networks with an innovative product roadmap to protect operators’ investments as they take advantage of the immediate need for broadband Internet services in many parts of the world.” 

Jointly organized by Huawei, Clearwire, Intel and the WiMAX Forum, the Global WiMAX Business Development Forum brings together high-level leaders and decision makers in the WiMAX industry, including vendors, operators, industry organizations and other partners worldwide, to discuss the future of WiMAX. 

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