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GSA: 98 LTE User Devices launched


Mar 16, 2011 , , ,

According to a new report from GSA, the eco-system of LTE-capable user devices is rapidly developing to meet current and anticipated future needs of operators and their

According to a new report from GSA, the eco-system of LTE-capable user devices is rapidly developing to meet current and anticipated future needs of operators and their customers. 

Status of the LTE Ecosystem report says that 98 LTE User Devices are available now. It includes 6 Handsets from Samsung, HTC, LG & Motorola. Several  LTE  user devices  are in commercial use or announced and many more are in the pipeline.

This  updated report includes recent  LTE  product launches and announcements at MWC 2011 and CeBit 2011 and  confirms how a  robust LTE  ecosystem is  rapidly establishing. Announcements at CTIA 2011 will be incorporated in the next update of this report.

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